Dreamcatcher Film Camp

Fancy writing your own screenplay or book.
All of us have a story in us and this is a chance to tell yours.
We are offering script-writing courses for adults online. You can work on your very own script in a one to one session where you are taken at your own pace through every stage of the process until you have a finished script in your hands. It can be a full length feature or a short film. Alternatively you can take this opportunity to begin the book you have always wanted to write.
Or you can collaborate on an idea in a very small group and write together.
We already work with several people on a weekly basis face to face whom we have now brought online.
How often
One hour a week via skype but you will need to write in between.
How to start
We discuss the idea for your script in the first session and together work out what the story will be about and ways to proceed
The course will include, among other things:
• Working to a brief: the story you want to tell, treatment, synopses, character development, plot outline and story arc, writing good dialogue, conflict, endings, emotion.
• Practical advice on layouts and presentation of scripts. We use Celtx to write it.
• Analysis of key sequences from a variety of films, what sells, genres,
• De-constructing script passages and what makes them work. We can provide examples and snippets from one of the 6 scripts we have currently in development.
• Once it’s complete, your finished script is yours. We can however offer advice on the demands and expectations of the industry, which includes how to sell yourself and market your script should you wish to do so.