Dreamcatcher Film Camp
Want to be able to draw a ninja cat or design your own superhero. Learn how to make interesting character designs for film and animation. Find out how the personality of a character and their backstory influence the design. Most importantly we show you how to make your character look memorable and develop your drawing skills.
How often
1 hour class once a week for 7 weeks
You can chose your start day from either Monday 10-11, Wednesday 12-1 or Thursday 2-3.
Character design camp (beginner)
Ages 7 – 12
Course topics and activities include:
What visual features makes a character memorable?
Explore the relationship between shape and personality
Learn to draw the basic expressions
Brainstorm characters
Come up with backstories for the characters
How backstories influence the characters design
what kind of shape your character would be in relation to their personality
character design demonstration
design your character
Character design camp (intermediate)
Ages 13+
Course topics and activities include:
What visual features makes a character memorable?
Learn important drawing principles
How to construct the human body with basic shapes
How to play with proportions and how that informs character
Study facial expressions
Brainstorm what character you want to design
Learn how to gather reference images to take your designs to another level
Character design demonstration
Design your character
Feedback on each other’s work
“Good Morning Britain” and former “Britain’s Got Talent” presenter Piers Morgan said "There's a lot of raw talent out there. I saw it all the time being a judge on both "Britains Got Talent" and its American counterpart but you have to harness children's creativity if it's to grow. I think Dreamcatcher’s film camp, where they give children cameras and teach them to make their own films is a fantastic way of doing that. I only wish that it was available when I was a kid".
“Good Morning Britain” and former “Britain’s Got Talent” presenter Piers Morgan said "There's a lot of raw talent out there. I saw it all the time being a judge on both "Britains Got Talent" and its American counterpart but you have to harness children's creativity if it's to grow. I think Dreamcatcher’s film camp, where they give children cameras and teach them to make their own films is a fantastic way of doing that. I only wish that it was available when I was a kid".