Dreamcatcher Film Camp
Ages 9 – 17
Always wanted to learn stop motion animation, now you can! Make your own short animated movie by the end of the course. Learn how to create short engaging stories and bring the objects around your house, whether it be toys, Plasticine, paper or your water bottle, alive. You’ll learn some basic principles of animation, collaborate on story ideas and how to storyboard you film. By the end of the week you will have made your own animated movie.
How often
One 2 hour class per week for 4 weeks via skype. You will need to do some work in between, whether it’s finishing your storyboard or finishing making your characters.
You can chose your start day from either Monday 12-2, Tuesday 12-2, Wednesday 2-4, Thursday 10-12 or Fridays 12-2.
What you’ll need
Paper, pens and pencils
Smart phone with the Stop motion studio app (we will be teaching the premium version that is £0.99)
Toys or random objects
Blue tac or tape
Plasticine would be great, but fine if you don’t have
Course topics and activities include:
Background in short story arcs and plot
Brainstorming story ideas
How to create characters with what you have around you
How to storyboard
Animation demo - how to make things move
How to give personality with animation
How to follow your storyboard and create your animated movie
Reviews and guidance on each other’s work
At the end of the course there will be the option to join the animation club, which will skype once a week for an hour. Where we animate together and give advice on how to improve animation skills.